e-greeksolar Ltd at the Go4Green Hackathon in Athens

e-greeksolar Ltd participated at the Go 4.0 Green Crowdhackathon on 14-15 December 2019, organized by Ministry of Energy and Environment of Greece, supported by technology and innovation company Crowdpolicy. The solaris ++ team developed the "BIoT" platform (prototype), a cloud based application for transferring and storing data from smart devices and storing them in the platform in real time. In addition, a IoT-to-blockchain bridge application has been developed. The application (bridge) can store data from smart devices over a LORAWAN network on a blockchain (ethereum).
e-greeksolar Ltd realised first pilot blockchain project

On the photovoltaic park DIMITRA II the region Kilkis, e-greeksolar Ltd realized a first pilot blockchain project.
The pilot project is dealing with connection and storing of smart-meter data to a permissioned blockchain network. The application demonstrates the ability to digitize production or consumption energy data, real-time visualization and monitoring. It also enables the transfer of data among members of the network in a secure and transparent way.
Watch the pilot by following the link: https://solarisplusplus.github.io/Demo/
e-swissolar AG at the ersten Energy Hackathon in Bern

From 3 to 5 December 2018 in Bern, e-swissolar AG participated in Switzerland’s first hackathon for blockchain solutions in the energy sector. The event has been organized from swisspower and the Energy Web Foundation (EWF). Within 48 h our team (solaris++) developed a prototype compinaning blockchain and mashine learning technology and successfully demonstrated a platform for smart billing services, enabling forecasting of pv and energy demand, and trading of Certificates of Origin.
Successful Commisioning of PV Project DIMITRA II
In February 2018 in the region of Kilkis our second pv system has been connected to the local public grid. For this installation 384 panels have been used. The nominal capacity of the system amounts 99.8 kWp. The project has been entirely financed with equity from e-swissolar AG. e-greeksolar Ltd is receiving a fix feed-in tariff secured during the first pilot auction for small pv systems. We expect that our pv system will produce and inject 1650 kWh 100% renewable energy in to the public local grid. Follow the link and watch our video after the realization of construction.
Net Metering residential PV project in Thessaloniki in operation
In Pefka, near to the city of Thessaloniki, e-greeksolar Ltd developed and constructed its first net-metering photovoltaic project. The residential pv-system has an installed capacity of 5kWp.
Net metering (self-consumption) is the direct consumption of locally generated energy from decentral energy resources (DER), usually photovoltaic, while the possible additional demand is covered from the Grid. Thus, the Grid is essentially used to store the energy produced. At the end of the measurement period the energy is consumed locally.